National Junior Beta Club
What is Jr. Beta Club?
The National BETA Club was founded in 1934, and has become the nation's largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization. Trexler Middle School's Junior BETA Club is an honor organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievement, promotes strong moral character and social responsibility, encourages service to others, fosters leadership skills, and provides settings for you to develop strong interpersonal skills. This organization is open to 7th and 8th grade students only who meet all requirements. If you have questions about the Jr. Beta Club please contact Ms. Ford or Ms. Olsen.
How Can I Participate?
There are requirements for membership into the TMS Jr. BETA Club. For details regarding these academic and service requirements please see the Trexler Middle School BETA Club By-Laws document that is available by click the link below.
National Beta Club Mission Statement
To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.
Beta Events
-Monthly Club Meetings
-Attendance at the State Beta Convention (Greensboro, NC)
-BETA Canned Food Drive
-BETA Woman's Shelter Drive
-BETA C.H.E.W. Ravioli Drive
National Beta Club Core Values
Achievement: Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
Character: Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
Leadership: Developing the leaders of tomorrow
Service: Demonstrating our motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others.
Trexler Middle Beta By-laws
Learn More About Beta
To learn more about Beta Club please visit